Guided Meditation
Wellness Resources
Liberation Through Movement
““As we deeply decompartmentalizing ourselves, which is a great survival strategy for these social conditions, but it doesn’t let us be very whole…And then we want to un-compartmentalize ourselves and become more whole, but in this very pragmatic way of how we think, of how we relate, and how we build together. So at this point I can’t see liberation movements without healing and I can’t see healing without liberation movements.” ”
The practice of liberation through movement invites a reckoning with the ways in which healing is deeply politicized. Over the last several years, as a movement practitioner, mainly through yoga and meditation, I’ve been interested in supported healing that is inherently politicized. As a practitioner, I don’t ascribe the wellness from the Western individualistic paradigm that is deeply capitalist.
What do I mean by that?
I’m interested in wellness that is accessible to those who are most marginalized.
I’m interested in practices of wellness that are culturally appropriate with acknowledgement of lineage and cultural roots.
I’m interested in creating spaces of healing that center community knowledge and expertise
I’m interested in supporting decolonial practices of healing that center ancestral knowledge and teachings.
I’m interested in healing that acknowledges anti-Black racism, anti-Indignenious racism, colonialism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, gendered oppression, ableism, saneism, classism and neoliberalism (to name a few)as forms of oppression that have personal, interpersonal, intergenerational and systemic impacts on communities.
I hope that you will join me on this journey and below are some offerings on how we can connect;